Across all disciplines — including today’s hottest systems and applications — AA Tech Group employs skilled contractors to go where you need them and do what needs to be done — right now, the right way. In ebb and flow of business, season by season, our specialists provide the most cost-efficient staffing option, when you consider the overhead flexibility that contracting affords.Contracting can simplify your staffing needs. AA Tech can innovate with solutions that fit the jobs.Your strategic initiatives can proceed quickly with contractors. We provide you with the skills and work style your organization needs with economies that contribute to the bottom line.Let us help you handle the overload in programming languages, platforms, applications, databases, networks, e-commerce, software engineering, cyber security, amazon web services (AWS), Devops, Cloud technology’s and many more.


Whether it is one candidate or a team, we offer highly skilled and motivated staff to perform in your locations — for project work that you may choose to make permanent. Or not. AA Tech contract-to-hire services will and help you ease into expansion with reduced risk.A custom-built plan for your operation can ease the stress of staffing for growth. This process can ensure we’ve made the right matchup, with highly competent people for your competitive efforts.

Direct Hire

One of the most gratifying experiences in the staffing arena is having HR professionals come back for more. AA Tech Group feels that pleasure often. We believe it stems from our system for qualifying people for the exact situation they will be asked to handle. This starts, of course, with working to get to know your organization — its culture, history, position and future direction. Our candidates have the skills you want, and learn to share your values during our preparation. You know, as we do, that success depends on everyone involved, so we work with you to keep the people-chain strong. Whether it’s an individual or entire team. Our proprietary S3Rapproach works with staffing as well as other AA Tech services. We’ll simplify the process for you, and reduce your risk, time and cost.

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